Featured Reviews

Powersuite - Uniblue's Ultimate PC Performance Solution
Powersuite is the top of the line product in Uniblue’s range of products. Via a user friendly interface it provides easy access to lots of features that will help make your computer run at top performance.
14 May 2013
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Latest Software Reviews

Timesheets Lite - Time your work and bill your clients accordingly
You can start Timesheets Lite' timer feature to record how much time you spend on specific projects or you can add a certain amount of time yourself. The application lets you specify your hourly rates and other financial details and it will calculate your earnings automatically.
26 Jun 2012

Photo Collage Maker – Easily Create Photo Collages
Photo Collage Maker allows you to create photo collages in the easiest and quickest way possible.
26 Jun 2012

Business Card Maker - create business cards with ease
Business Card Maker allows you to create business cards in the easiest way possible, by using a large variety of templates.
26 Jun 2012

Passport Photo Maker - Create passport photos, according to various standards
Passport Photo Maker works like a standard image editor, but it provides numerous instructions and tips. It helps you create passport photos that meet standards from various countries.
26 Jun 2012

USB Guardian - Prevent virus infections from USB flash drives
USB Guardian will isolate the autorun.inf file on removable memory devices. In this way, you can prevent running dangerous programs by mistake. If autorun.inf contains references to executable files that are set to run automatically, the application will block them as well.
26 Jun 2012

Photo Slideshow Creator - Create high quality slideshows
Photo Slideshow Creator comes with many transition effects, themes and other elements which can make your slideshow look much better. It is not difficult to use and it will take only a few minutes to create and edit a slideshow.
26 Jun 2012

CD-Runner - Play audio files and CDs, rip them, record radio feeds and more
CD-Runner includes a complete set of tools for playing almost any media format out there. Its interface is fully customizable and you can use various functions to rip CDs and DVDs, record radio stations, organize your media files or edit tag information.
26 Jun 2012

ePic - Advanced image viewer for Windows
ePic opens a 3D environment, where your images behave like real photos. You can use the mouse to move, spin or rotate them, play slideshows and more.
26 Jun 2012

eDoc Organizer - Easy to use documents organizer
You can load any number of documents on eDoc Organizer's interface and label them once or multiple times. The labels can be used to find specific documents instantly.
26 Jun 2012

Taggtool - Tag your files and find them, using the same keywords
While Taggtool is running, you can tag any files or folders. If you are in a hurry to find them, you can perform a search, using the associated tags. You can tag your files using the application's interface or an explorer window.
26 Jun 2012

Booknizer – Book Organizer Application
Keep track of all your books (audio books included) with the user friendly Booknizer application.
26 Jun 2012

Iside – Hash Computing Tool
With the help of iSide you can check the hash sum of a file, compare two files, as well as compare two folders.
26 Jun 2012

Xftp - simple and intuitive FTP client
Xftp allows you to connect to any FTP server using a very simple and intuitive interface.
26 Jun 2012

Capturino - Take snapshots of your screen
Capturino can be used to create snapshots of your screen. It places various methods at your disposal, for capturing the whole screen, a window or a specific area. It can also refresh screenshots and create them automatically on a given time interval.
25 Jun 2012

Stykz - Create stick figure animations
Stykz lets you create animations with stick figures. You may insert any number of stick people or shapes or create new ones. You will have to create the animation frame by frame, like an old cartoon.
25 Jun 2012

iResizer – Content Aware Image Resizing Software
Available for Windows and Mac OS X, the content aware image resizing software application iResizer will change an image’s aspect ratio without distorting it, change the space between objects, and make people disappear from images.
25 Jun 2012