You’re an adult, and you can spend your money any way you want to. You could get any video game, even if it’s not on sale. You could splurge on a new Surface Pro, and you could even get a high-end Battlebox if you wanted to.
But this article isn’t about you, Mister Money Pants! It’s about your kid, about the 6 important money concepts he needs to learn, and about the right time when you should be teaching him/her these concepts. Go check out the infographic below.
Click for full size.

Via OnStride Financial and Lifehacker.
But this article isn’t about you, Mister Money Pants! It’s about your kid, about the 6 important money concepts he needs to learn, and about the right time when you should be teaching him/her these concepts. Go check out the infographic below.
Click for full size.

Via OnStride Financial and Lifehacker.