Trim Down Your Friends List on 'National Unfriend Day'

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 17 Nov 2014

Do you know what we celebrate on the 17th of November? We celebrate National Unfriend Day, the day when you are encouraged to trim down your list of friends.

Surely there are people in your list of friends that you barely if ever socialize with. Won’t it be better if you just unfriended these people?

How to unfriend someone on Facebook

Go to a friend’s Facebook page and click the Friends dropdown menu from the upper right hand corner.

Then select the Unfriend option.

Or go to the Friends section of your own Facebook page. A list of all your friends will be displayed there. Next to each friend there’s a dropdown menu. Click on it and select the Unfriend option.

Visit the Facebook Help Center for additional information on how to unfriend people

Reasons to unfriend someone

I have a rule of thumb that I use for clothing, but it applies to Facebook too: if I did not wear something for a whole year, chances are that I won’t ever wear it again and it is needlessly taking up space in my closet. The same goes for Facebook friends: if I never interact with you, why are you still in my list of friends? It would be better to unfriend you!

Of course, there are many other reasons why you would want to unfriend someone: they post the most annoying things, they blast you with invites, they never spell-check their posts, you hate their guts.

Here’s Jimmy Kimmel, the ABC late-night host who created the day, with an important message about this year’s National Unfriend Day. It covers some of the main reasons why you would want to unfriend someone – or the main offenses that could lead to you getting unfriended.

In related news, do you know that there’s a browser extension that lets you see who unfriended you on Facebook. It is called Unfriend Notify and it is available for Google’s Chrome and Mozilla’s Firefox web browser.

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