See Who Unfriended You on Facebook with Unfriend Notify

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 14 Jan 2014

You lost some Facebook friends but you don’t know precisely who unfriended you? Unfriend Notify is here to provide a solution to this conundrum.

You see, Unfriend Notify is a browser add-on that provides support for Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox. It puts a Lost Friends section on your Facebook page – from there you can see who unfriended you. It also displays a pop-up notification when someone unfriends you.

Today you have 250 friends on Facebook, for example. The day after tomorrow, you have 236. What happened? Who unfriended you? Answers to these questions can be easily obtained if you use a specialized browser add-on that is appropriately named Facebook Unfriend.

Add Unfriend Notify to your Chrome or Firefox browser and it will nicely integrate with your Facebook account. When you visit your Facebook page, the Friends section, you will see a new Lost Friends button. That is where the add-on lists all the people that unfriended you. A click on Lost Friends and you can see exactly who decided not to be friends with you on Facebook anymore.

That is not all that Unfriend Notify does. The add-on’s functionality also covers push notifications. Or to put it in other words, Unfriend Notify displays a pop-up notification when someone unfriends you. This way you know in real-time when someone decides to give up on your friendship.

When you have lots and lots of friends, it’s difficult to uncover who unfriended you. You could browse through your list of friends and trying to figure out who unfriended you. But that will be time consuming and potentially frustrating. Instead you could let Unfriend Notify lend a helping hand. This free Chrome and Firefox add-on will tell you precisely who unfriended you.

Google Chrome users can get the Unfriend Notify extension from the Chrome Web Store.
Mozilla Firefox users can get the Unfriend Notify add-on directly from its
official website.

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