Zombie Infestation Hits World of Warcraft

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 24 Oct 2008

“Brain, brain...brain!” that's the general topic of discussion amongst all the millions of World of Warcraft players. The whole thing is nothing more than a marketing scheme to promote the upcoming “Wrath of the Lich King”, but players seem to be taking to this like a fish to water. Oh, and the fact that Halloween is just around the corner doesn't seem to hurt.

The whole thing started when crates with unusual markings depicted on them started to appear in the Booty Bay. Being a curious bunch by nature, some players decided to break them open and see what lies within. Much to their surprise they found that by doing so they have turned to zombies. This meant gaining new zombie abilities at the expense of other character abilities.

There are only two ways to return from zombie to normal status. The most humane option is to have your character healed, but this must be done within ten minutes from getting infected with the zombie bug. The other option is to get killed. Now don't get into semantics with me, I know that zombies are already dead, but if you die while being a zombie, your character will return to normal. Just don't go off and get infected again. Just because you were a zombie once does not mean you have developed an immunity – re-becoming a zombie is always a possibility.

Just as in the horror movies, the zombies have the power to infect others and turn them into zombies. This has determined some players to team up and develop strategies of infecting more and more players in the World of Warcraft. Capital cities in WoW are currently under the careful watch of Argent Dawn. As they fight the zombie scourge they can be heard saying: “The plagued tendrils of the Lich King lurk close”.

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