With Valentine’s Day just around the corner, McAfee thought it a good idea to commission a survey and uncover how online behavior affects today's connected relationships. The survey uncovered that "we’re starting to fall even more in love with technology," as explained by Chief Consumer Security Evangelis Gary Davis, who went on to say that "for many, our devices have become the 'other (wo)man' in the relationship."
The survey polled over 13,000 adults in relationships that use digital devices daily. 33% of respondents said they had to compete with their date’s device for attention on a first date. 40% of respondents feel their partner pays more attention to their device when they are together one-on-one. And 45% of respondents say they’ve had arguments over being a device when together.
Here are the results of the McAfee’s survey, in infographic form. For a higher quality version, check out this PDF.
Via Securing Tomorrow McAfee.
The survey polled over 13,000 adults in relationships that use digital devices daily. 33% of respondents said they had to compete with their date’s device for attention on a first date. 40% of respondents feel their partner pays more attention to their device when they are together one-on-one. And 45% of respondents say they’ve had arguments over being a device when together.
Here are the results of the McAfee’s survey, in infographic form. For a higher quality version, check out this PDF.
Via Securing Tomorrow McAfee.