The New McAfee Isn't Starting from Scratch, It Has a Very Solid Foundation (Infographic)

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 07 Apr 2017

Intel Security is out and McAfee is in. McAfee is back, with a brand new strategic vision, a redesigned logo, and a new tagline – Together Is Power.

The new McAfee may be a new, standalone company, but that doesn’t mean it’s starting from scratch. It builds on a solid foundation that goes back more than 30 years. A solid foundation made up of….

Via Securing Tomorrow, a McAfee blog.

"There’s a reason our motto is 'Together is Power'; it’s because together we collaborate, elevate, and make a difference. Together, we make the world a better, safer place. Despite the different names under which we’ve operated, our commitment to making security the best it can be – together – never changed," said McAfee’s Ken McCray, who leads Channel Sales and Operations for the Americas.

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