Avast Explains Why Smart Homes Are a Security Nightmare (Infographic)

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 27 Feb 2017

Getting a smart camera, smart TV, smart fridge, and other smart devices may seem like a good idea at first. I mean, who wouldn’t want to reap the benefits of living in a smart home? Things don’t look so upbeat when you start to think about the security side of things and understand that your smart home is vulnerable to cyber-attacks.

Vince Steckler, CEO of security company Avast, will speak at MWC (Mobile World Congress) 2017 in Barcelona, addressing how a cybercriminal could infect IoT (Internet of Things) devices and add them to a botnet or take control over them and do harm to the owner. In preparation for this speech, Avast has published an infographic that explains how the smart devices in your home could be compromised. Check it out below.

Via Enhanced Online News.

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