5 Ways We Justify Playing Video Games as We Grow Up (Comic)

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 18 Jan 2017

If you’re like me, you’ve been playing video games your entire life. You played games when you were a kid, you kept on playing them as you grew into a teen, you played them a lot when you were in college, and you’re still playing them now that you’re a "responsible adult."

During all this time, did you ever have to justify yourself for playing video games? Did you come up with an excuse for playing videos? I ask because I think the comic featured below got it exactly right!

Via Dorkly.

In related news…

Ubisoft just announced that it is offering a free 3-hour trial of Watch Dogs 2. The trial is available for PS4 as of yesterday and will be available for Xbox One come January 24.

"Watch Dogs 2 has been racking up praise from critics since its November release, but if you’re still on the fence about whether to jump in, you’re about to get a risk-free chance to explore its wide-open, hacker-friendly re-creation of the San Francisco Bay Area. You’ll get full access to all the game’s features, including its seamless co-op and multiplayer,” said Ubisoft’s Mikel Reparaz.

In Watch Dogs 2 you play as the brilliant young hacker Marcus Holloway and fight the corrupt corporations that are using the ctOS 2.0 operating system to monitor and manipulate citizens on a massive scale. Team up with the Dedsec crew, an elite group of hackers, and expose the hidden dangers of ctOS 2.0.

Learn more about Watch Dogs 2 here and here.

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