Symantec Reveals Top 100 Most Popular Web Searches Amongst Children

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 14 Aug 2009

It’s summer, school’s out and kids have nothing to do but lay around and waste time – and what better way to waste it than by surfing the web. Symantec, company that specializes in providing antivirus, antispyware, and internet security software solutions, has been watching this phenomenon closely and uncovered the most popular 100 web searches that kids do.

“During summer vacation, kids have more time to spend online chatting with friends, playing online games, and just surfing the Web. But this added time on the Internet can lead to trouble if parents don’t have “The Talk” with their kids about appropriate and inappropriate online behavior. Symantec has identified the top searches conducted by kids online this summer through its family safety service, OnlineFamily.Norton, and some of the results may surprise parents,” explained Symantec.

The better part of the list is comprised of harmless web searches: like Cartoon Network (#76), or Funny (#65), Disney Channel ($42), or Gmail (#13). But you will be surprised to find that adult-related searches have also made the list, and I’m not talking just about number 93 on the Top 100 list (it’s XXX by the way), I am talking about the top 10 searches.

At number 4 you will find “sex” and at number 6 you will find “p*rn.” They grow up so fast don’t they? Already interested in the reproductive system and how some people make a living by presenting the whole process in vivid detail (the pun is intentional). Perhaps now would be a good time to sit down and tell junior about the birds and the bees.

Here are the top 10 searches that Trend Micro identified:
# 1. YouTube
# 2. Google
# 3. Facebook
# 4. Sex
# 5. MySpace
# 6. P*rn (actual search was done with an "o" not an *)
# 7. Yahoo
# 8. Michael Jackson
# 9. Fred (A popular fictional character whose YouTube channel has become a hit among kids.)
10. eBay
The full top 100 web searches list can be viewed here.

Marian Merritt, Symantec’s Internet Safety Advocate, comments: “We’ve found through the Norton Online Living Family Survey that both parents and kids want to speak with each other more frequently about their day-to-day lives, not just the ‘big issues.’ This can seem like a daunting task, but with a tool like OnlineFamily.Norton, which is built on a philosophy of dialogue, parents can stay in the loop on what their kids are doing online. It also helps identify “teachable moments” when parents should be talking with their kids about appropriate online behavior and other issues in their kids’ online lives.

While it is nice to find out what kids are searching online for these days, it is hardly surprising that they are up to no good. Trend Micro, company that specializes in providing network antivirus and internet content security software, revealed that most parents are clueless about their child’s online activities, when they should have kept a close eye on their offspring instead.

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