Profanity Is Common on Facebook Walls, Reppler Uncovers

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 26 May 2011

If the name Reppler doesn’t ring a bell, it’s because it is a recently released service. Founded by Vlad Forelik, former Vice President of cloud services with AVG, Reppler is a social media monitoring service that will help you keep your social reputation clean and safe. And more to the point, it is a service that makes you aware of inappropriate content, shows you how other could perceive you, highlights public info that should be private, and flags malicious links.

The news is that the abovementioned Reppler scanned the Facebook Wall of more than 30,000 users and found that profanity is at home on most of the walls. To better put things in perspective, here are the statistics Reppler uncovered:

- There is profanity on the Facebook Wall of 47% of users.
- There is at least one comment that contains profanity on 80% of Walls that already contain profanity.
- Friends are responsible for 56% of posts and/or comments that contain profanity.
- Users are twice as likely to use profanity in a post on their Facebook Wall, versus a comment. Friends are twice as likely to use profanity in a comment on a user’s Facebook Wall instead of a post.

Reppler cleared things up by mentioning what sort of profanity is used on the Facebook Wall. The company explained that the most common swearword is the F word and variations of it. The second most common swearword is “sh*t”. The third most common swearword is “b*tch.”

Reppler concluded that “the fact that a significant percentage of the profanity on a user’s Facebook Wall comes from friends demonstrates one of the issues with Facebook – users don’t have complete control over the language used on their Facebook Wall, yet the language used by friends can have an impact on how others perceive them.”

If you would like to learn more about Reppler, visit its official site here.

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