Frima Studio Announces New 'Nun Attack Origins' Games

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 14 May 2014

UPDATE: The first game in the series has been released to the public. It features Yuki, the Sister of Silence. More details here.
Frima Studio announced that it is working on an interesting project: Nun Attack Origins games. Do you want to find out how Eva became the Sister of Guidance? Or how Rosy became the Sister of Deliverance?

The Nun Attack Origins games will present the story of the nuns; they will focus on how the characters became the evil fighting nuns they are today.

Frima Studio announced via its Facebook page that a third title will be added to the Nun Attack series of games. Here’s the announcement, as it was posted by the developer:

Attention all Nun Attack fans!

We've been very busy nuns these last few days and we'll be even busier in the following months. We'll be developing a brand new branch of Nun Attack games.

The Nun Attack Origins games will tell the story of each of the nuns before they joined the sisterhood of Nun Attack.

The first game is almost ready, stay tuned to Facebook for details in the coming weeks!

For those who are not familiar with the Nun Attack game, it features 4 characters:

  • Eva, the Sister of Guidance – wields two pistols and has a special ability called Decoy (summons a ghostly nun that lures nearly enemies into attacking it).
  • Rosy, the Sister of Deliverance – wields a sniper and has a special ability called Invisibility (she goes invisible and is free to snipe the enemy).
  • Olga, the Sister or Protection – wields a shotgun and has a special ability called Taunt (compels the enemies to attack her).
  • Mandy, the Sister of Holiness – wields a large revolver and has a special ability called Healing Aura (partially restores the health of all allies within range).
In the first game, the original Nun Attack game, the 4 nuns have to battle evil skeletons, vampires, werewolves, and other dangers. The goal is to defeat Mortana, the fallen nun. You see, originally there were 5 nuns dedicated to helping and protecting others. But Mortana gave into evil. You must control the nuns, fight evil, level them up, upgrade their weapons, and defeat Mortana.

The second game, Nun Attack: Run & Gun, presents us with a world filled with evil creatures. Even though Mortana was vanquished, there are lots of evil creature around, evil creatures that must be destroyed. This second game is a fast paced runner. You have to run for as long as you can, collect coins, and defeat evil creatures in the process.

The second game, Nun Attack Run & Gun introduces a couple of new sisters: Simone, Sister of Plenitude, and Yuki, Sister of Silence.

Unlike the other nuns, Yuki does not carry a gun. But that does not mean she is unarmed.

In the Nun Attack Origins games, we will get to see how these characters became nuns that fight evil.

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