Wikipedia Mobile, the Smartphone Dedicated Free Encyclopedia

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 17 Dec 2008

Wikipedia, the popular user-edited encyclopedia available online for free, has addressed the issue smartphone browsing and has issued a mobile specific web page. The web page, which you can check out here , offers pretty much the same features as the traditional Wikipedia site, with a few tweaks.

What can you expect to get from Wikipedia Mobile? You can expect to get a lightweight version with language support for 14 different languages, and a Spoken Wikipedia feature that will in the near future be able to read articles to you.

From a personal point of view I must say that I really, really like Wikipedia. And what’s not to love since the amount of information available at your fingertips is pretty much endless. You can just check out random articles and cultivate your mind, or you could check out specific topics that interest you – and if you do not find the info you are looking for, you could always come up with an article of your own and submit it.

Until now, if you wanted to check out Wikipedia on you smartphone, mainly on the iPhone 3G not a Windows Mobile powered device, you had a selection of apps that did that for you. The catch (yes, there is a catch) was that the image was scaled down in order for it to fit on the iPhone’s 3.5 inch screen. As a direct result the image was fuzzy and one found himself hard pressed to read the text content without squinting. Even when you went and activated the landscape mode, the text would stubbornly remain too small for you to easily read. With the recent Wikipedia Mobile you can forget about all these things: the articles you want to check out are broken down into a format that is easy on the eye.

Hopefully the Spoken Wikipedia feature will soon become active and you will be able to forget about reading altogether: just sit back and let your smartphone device read the article to you.

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