Twitter Finished Deploying its New, Re-engineered Site

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 14 Oct 2010

Twitter announced that its brand new, re-engineered site has finally been rolled out to everyone. The new site's rollout has reached 100%, which means that existing and new users alike will be able to enjoy the new site which, as a little side note, is available in six different languages. Also as a little side note, did you know there are some 160 million Twitter users out there? Well, you do now!

Twitter announced the new, re-engineered about 4 weeks back. The new site has the following to offer:

A New Design
@mentions, retweets, searches, and lists are now positioned above your timeline, in the left hand side of the screen. Features like Trending Topics, favorites, whom you recently followed, and who recently followed you are on the right.

View Multimedia Content
Twitter has struck a partnership with Dailybooth, DeviantArt, Etsy, Flickr, Justin.TV, Kickstarter, Kiva, Photozou, Plixi, Twitgoo, TwitPic, Twitvid, USTREAM, Vimeo, Yfrog, and YouTube. This means you will be able to easily view embedded photos, videos and other multimedia content right on Twitter.

Discover Related Content
Click a tweet and you will be able to see some additional info about the tweet’s author or about the tweet subject. You could for example see @replies, other tweets by the same user, a map of where a geotagged Tweet was sent from, and other info – it all depends on the tweet’s content.

Mini Profiles
Without navigating away from a page you can view a mini profile by clicking @username. This way you have easy and fast access to account information, including bio and recent Tweets.

“Since we announced the new Twitter four weeks ago, we've closely watched Tweets and user comments. We’ve received lots of great feedback that will help as we continue to make even better. So while we still (and will always) have plenty of work to do, we’re pleased with the positive reaction so far,” commented Carolyn Penner, Twitter Communications.

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