Trillian For Mac 1.1 Build 3 with Continuous Client Functionality

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 25 Mar 2011

The Trillian for Mac application has been updated to version 1.1 Build 3, announced yesterday Cerulean Studios, the company behind the popular multiprotocol instant messaging application. As Cerulean Studios explained, version 1.1 Build 3 comes with:

- a fix for a the Google Talk “off the record” bug
- new features: chat font customization, a preference to disable emoticons, timestamps that appear when you mouse over a chat bubble, scrollbars and collapsible groups within our social windows, and more.
- and continuous client functionality.

As you may remember, continuous client functionality was introduced at the start of the month when Cerulean Studios rolled out Trillian for Windows 5.0 Build 30. Trillian is a very useful tool that helps you communicate with others. The problem is “conversation fragmentation” as Cerulean Studios called it. You can chat with others using Trillian for Windows, Trillian on your Android or iPhone, and Trillian for Mac. The problem arises when you switch from one client to another.

“Now that more and more of us are splitting our time between work, home, and mobile devices, an annoying problem has cropped up – conversation fragmentation. Something you said at home gets lost when you settle into work; you’re fishing your phone out of your pocket to recall a link you received earlier; the grocery list you were responsible for landed on your work PC and you’re left all lost in the supermarket … the frustration goes on,” said Cerulean Studios.

Continuous client functionality refers to the fact that the option to share your chats in realtime between all your devices has been added. When you switch from one device to another, parts of your conversation will no longer get lost; the continuous client ensures this doesn’t happen by sharing chats between all your devices in real time.

“Your chats can now be shared in realtime between all of your Trillian devices, meaning you can stand up from your desk, grab your phone, and keep chatting exactly where you left off. We’ve taken extra care to get all the tiny details right to make this experience awesome, and we hope you enjoy it,” explained Cerulean Studios.

If you would like to get Trillian for Mac 1.1 Build 3, you can grab it straight from Cerulean Studios here.

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