Take a Screenshot and Dropbox Will Save It

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 01 Oct 2013

Dropbox has a nice surprise for desktop users. When you take a screenshot, Dropbox will upload it to the cloud. After it’s done saving it to your Dropbox account, it will copy the link to your clipboard.

Let me start off by saying that I am a big fan of Camera Upload. Whenever I take a photo with my smartphone, that photo is automatically uploaded to my Dropbox account where it is safe and sound. No matter what happens to my smartphone, the pictures are safe in the cloud. If I lose my smartphone, I won’t lose any of my pics. Or if someone deletes the pics from the gallery, I still have them in my Dropbox.

Taking a screenshot on your desktop is similar to taking a photo with your mobile. To help desktop users secure their shots, Dropbox introduced functionality similar to that provided by Camera Upload. The latest Dropbox version jumps into action when you take a screenshot. It uploads the screenshot to the cloud and copies its link to your clipboard.

“Whether you’re capturing screenshots of websites, favorite dog videos, or video calls with your buddy in São Paulo, now Dropbox can help keep your computer a little more organized,” said Alicia Chen, Software Engineer at Dropbox.

Dropbox Save and Share Screenshots
  • Press Print Screen to take a screenshot and save it to your Dropbox.
  • Press Ctrl + Print Screen to take a screenshot, save it to Dropbox, and copy its link to the clipboard.
  • Share the screenshot by pasting the link into an IM window or an email message.
  • Disable this feature by going to Preferences -> Import –> Share screenshots using Dropbox.

Please note that Dropbox for Mac features an importer that will copy photos from iPhoto to Dropbox.

Dropbox for Windows is available for download right here on FindMySoft.
If you want to get Dropbox for another platform, you can download it here.

Instructions on how to save and share screenshots with Dropbox are available here.
Instructions on how to import iPhoto images are available here.

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