Send Emails with a Phone Call or Schedule them for Later

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 17 Feb 2009

The problem with sending out emails is that you don’t always want the receiver to know when you sent it, especially if you do it in the middle of the night. Ideally you would want to have that message sent out first thing in the morning. Luckily enough there are some online services at your disposal that you can use to schedule outgoing email messages.

With Dial2Do all you have to do is dial a number, specify the task that you want the service to perform, and then talk away. It can be used to send out email messages, text messages, record reminders, update your Twitter account, or listen to live streaming internet content.

Focusing on the email functionality of Dial2Do, here is how the service works: you call it up on your mobile phone, specify the fact that you want to send out an email message, state the contact name you want the message to be sent to, and start talking when you hear “Record your email”. When you hang up, that contact will receive a transcription of what you said, as well as the original recording (just in case the transcription was not clear enough). The Dial2Do service is currently available in 24 countries. This one reminds me of BlindSpeak, which lets you send out anonymous text-to-voice emails.

Other times you would like to send out an email message at a predefined time, set a scheduled task and forget about it. The following three web services allow you to do just that: LetterMeLater, EmailFuture, FutureMe.

Alternatively you might want to check out Google Canned responses, the Gmail feature that lets you send out automated replies to incoming messages,, the answering machine service for your IM account, and GSN SMS Notifier, the free piece of software that informs you by SMS message when you get an email in your inbox.

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