Selfies Are a Danger to Your Health, Russia Warns

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 08 Jul 2015

The message Russia wants to spread via the Safety Selfie campaign is that you should not risk your health and your life for a selfie.

It’s not worth it, not even for a million likes!

People, Russian people to be more precise, are really careless when they take selfies. So careless that they seriously injured themselves while taking selfies. Some even died!

To address this situation, Russia's Ministry of Internal Affairs rolled out a new public health program meant to spread awareness and reduce injuries/deaths related to taking selfies.

Here’s an image that presents some warnings from Russia’s “Safety Selfie” campaign. It warns people not to take selfies with wild animals that could maul them, not to take selfies with dangerous weapons, and not to take selfies from high up places.

Now, you’d think that you don’t have to tell people such things. Remember the first paragraph in this article? People injured themselves while taking selfies! So the warnings in the above image are based on real-life accidents.

The warning not to take selfies with dangerous weapons? A Russian woman managed to shoot herself in the head while taking such a selfie.

A couple of Russian teenagers managed to get electrocuted while trying to take a selfie on a train roof.

A Russian teen climbed a railway bridge and fell 30ft to her death.

The warning against tigers? This one has an equivalent in the US. Lawmakers in the US are taking it seriously as well, making it against the law to take selfies with lions, tigers and other exotic large cats.

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