Science Shows that Internet Trolls are Sadistic Bastards (Video)

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 20 Jan 2016

Internet trolls love to make fun of others, post nasty comments, start fights, and generally cause grief just for their own twisted amusement. They’re incredibly obnoxious and you should thank your lucky stars and be immensely grateful if you’ve never come across one so far.

Science says that internet trolls start fights, post abusive comments, and engage in anti-social behavior because they enjoy it. They’re a bunch of sadists who get off on making others suffer. They do this online and in real life as well! Their nasty online habits carry over into their day-to-day life, meaning they’re dicks in real life as well.

The very popular YouTube channel AsapSCIENCE posted an interesting video this weekend, video entitled “The Science of Internet Trolls” (embedded down at the bottom).

The video explains what makes trolls tick, reveals that people who are nasty online are jerks in real life as well, and presents what is perhaps the best way to deal with online trolls.

Trolls show a high level of sadism and other “dark traits”

After studying a group of internet users who said they enjoy trolling online, scientists found that online trolls share the same 3 “dark traits”. They show high levels of:
  1. Psychopathy – a personality disorder associated with antisocial behavior, lack of remorse and reduced empathy.
  2. Narcissism – a personality disorder characterized by extreme selfishness, a craving for admiration, and a grandiose view of one's own attributes.
  3. Sadism – a personality disorder associated with individuals who derive pleasure from the suffering of others.
Most people feel remorse and guilt when they’re cruel to others. Not the case with people who show high levels of sadism. Quite the opposite in their case. They find pleasure in being cruel to others. For them, the whole experience is exciting and emotionally rewarding. And because it’s rewarding, they seek it out.

Trolls are nasty online and they’re nasty in real-life as well

Online trolls are anti-social on the internet, we all know that. What about real life? Are they nasty online and pleasant in real life? No, no they’re not. Trolls are nasty because that’s who they are. They have a nasty personality and the traits that make them obnoxious online carry over into real life.

While they may tone it down in real life, the internet gives them the chance to bring out the worse in them. Trolls thrive on the internet. They can anonymously post comments to stir things up, they can connect with other likeminded individuals, they can distance themselves from their acts. It’s like having a free pass to be a dick because you don’t have to face any consequences.

Do not feed the trolls!

Trolls, as mentioned above, find it exciting and emotionally rewarding to piss you off. They want you to get angry, they like it when they start a fight and lure you in. You’re doing them a favor by letting them get on your nerves. The best thing you can do is to just ignore them.

And now, here is AsapSCIENCE’s “The Science of Internet Trolls” video. Everything you’ve read above is based on this video.

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