Private, Secure Instant Messaging Offered by BitTorrent Chat

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 02 Oct 2013

BitTorrent recently announced that it is working on BitTorrent Chat, an instant messaging application that will let you chat privately and message securely.

Thanks to instant messaging applications we can easily stay in touch with friends and loved ones. There is a hitch though: privacy and security. If your messages are stored on a server, and there is a data breach, you never know who could access them. And if messages are not safely sent out, someone might snoop in on your conversations. These are problems that are addressed by BitTorrent with its new BitTorrent Chat application (currently a pre-Alpha experiment in Labs).

BitTorrent Sync fans know that secure, distributed technology is used to sync unlimited files between devices. Secure, distributed technology is now being used by another application: BitTorrent Chat. It uses it for communication needs: private instant messaging.

“This year alone, more than 6 million people have been impacted by data breaches. The right to own your own conversations online: it’s not a given. It should be,” commented Catherine Meek, Director of Product Management at BitTorrent.

“So over at Labs, we’re working on something that could solve for conversation security. BitTorrent Chat applies distributed technology to the idea of IM. Our goal is to ensure that your messages stay yours: private, secure, and free,” Meek added.

BitTorrent Chat Features
  • Private chats – none of your messages will be stored on a server. This means they are not vulnerable to snooping or data breaches.
  • Secure messaging – all the messages you send out are encrypted. When you IM a friend, you’re doing so on an encrypted peer-to-peer network.
  • No limitations – BitTorrent chat is a free instant messaging application that does not limit you in any way. It won’t ask for money, it will not limit the functionality it has to offer.

At the time of writing this, BitTorrent Chat is a pre-Alpha experiment. Fans are invited to sign up for the private Alpha, test the server-less messaging application, and provide feedback and ideas.

Learn more about BitTorrent Chat and sign up to test the application by following this link.

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