Personalize Your Wolfram Alpha Experience with Skins

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 27 May 2010

This has been the month of makeovers. Mountain View-based search engine giant Google updated the looks of YouTube, Google Search and Google Calendar. Wikimedia also updated the looks of Wikipedia. And now we find out that popular computational knowledge engine Wolfram Alpha also updated its looks – check out the images at the bottom.

So what’s new? The first thing you will notice is that Wolfram Alpha is no longer plain white. There are several skins to choose from to personalize the way the computational knowledge engine looks. In this regard you need only click Settings and select one of the available 7 skins.

The second thing you will notice is that the search bar throws hints your way. It tells you to ask about medical results, or to ask about demographics. By clicking Settings again, you can get the hint to be displayed automatically, to always be displayed and to never be displayed.

As mentioned above, several popular online services updated their looks recently. Here’s what changed on YouTube:
- The search results page’s looks have been refreshed.
- The upload interface looks differently. According to the YouTube team, the interface has been redesigned to “streamline the look and functionality of the upload page.”
- The video player has a new design.
- Two new options have been added to the share options. When you click the “Share” button you’ll see the options to share via Blogger or Google Buzz.

Moving on to Google Search, the popular search engine has updated is color pattern and has added a new a side panel in the left-hand side of the screen. From said side panel you can filter your search results and categorize results. The left side panel is powered by Universal Search, the Search Options panel and Google Squared. Universal Search brings the most relevant search results to you. The Search Options panel, which was released last year in spring, helps you filter your search. Last but not least, Google Squared helps you find “entities” that are related to your search, allowing you to explore related topics.

The team behind Google Calendar decided to update the way the free time-management web application looks because it “started to feel a bit old.” Read more on this topic.

Last but not least, Wikipedia has updated its looks as well. Several bits and pieces have changed – read all about it here.

Getting back to Wolfram Alpha, here are some images to put things in perspective:

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