Palm Delivers WebOS 1.3.1 to European Customers

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 23 Nov 2009

Palm recently announced that it updated the WebOS (the operating system that powers the Palm Pre and the Palm Pixi) to version 1.3.1 and that it released it to its US customers on the Bell and Sprint networks. This Sunday, the 22nd of November, the company announced that it rolled out WebOS 1.3.1 to its European customers as well.

“Palm Pre customers on Telefonica networks in the UK, Ireland, Germany, and Spain can expect an automatic update to webOS 1.3.1 soon. No action is required; your over-the-air update will take place when you have WiFi or 3G coverage within the next few days,” announced Communications and Marketing Director with Palm, Jon Zilber.

If you are not familiar with what WebOS 1.3.1 has to offer, here are some highlights:

- Palm Synergy incorporates data from your Outlook EAS, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn and Yahoo! accounts.
- If you manage your contacts and calendar accounts via Yahoo!, it is integrated in the Contacts and Calendar applications.
- You can use Yahoo! IM in the webOS Messaging app (for Sprint customers only).
- Improved formatting in forwarded email messages.
- New shortcuts to be used in email for the most common actions (mark messages as unread for example).
- Copy and forward individual text and IM messages.

The one thing that WebOS 1.3.1 does not do anymore is seamlessly sync your Palm Pre with iTunes. When Apple released iTunes 9.0.2, it broke Palm Pre’s ability to sync with iTunes just like an iPhone. But this is hardly surprising. The cat and mouse game between Apple and Palm has been going on for quite some time now. Ever since Palm announced that Palm Pre can seamlessly sync with iTunes 8.1.1, Apple has been trying to put a stop to this (see iTunes 8.2.1 or iTunes 9.0.1). Palm on the other hand has constantly been defying Apple (see WebOS 1.1 and WebOS 1.2.1).

At the time we don’t know if Palm will once again add iTunes syncing capabilities to WebOS. We’ll just have to wait and see. Meanwhile, enjoy the WebOS 1.3.1 update.

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