Mozilla Releases Firefox 3.1 Beta 2, TrendLabs Warns of Firefox Specific Malware

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 09 Dec 2008

The Mozilla Project has recently released the second Beta installment of Firefox version 3.1, codename Shiretoko, making this the fourth milestone in the software’s development process. This month also marks the point in time when Mozilla will shift all its attention away from the now outdated Firefox 2.0.

"Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 is a public preview release intended for developer testing and community feedback. It includes many new features as well as improvements to performance, web compatibility, and speed. This milestone is focused on testing the core functionality provided by many new features and changes to the platform scheduled for Firefox 3.1. Ongoing planning for Firefox 3.1 can be followed at the Firefox 3.1 Planning Center,” says Mike Beltzner, Mozilla Phenomenologist.

Mozilla would very much like to hear what you have to say on this recent release. The new features in Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 that you could provide your feedback upon are as follows: extensive support for 50+ languages, web worker thread support, Private Browsing mode and comprehensive clear recent history, TraceMonkey JavaScript engine that is set to “ON” by default, speculative parsing in the Gecko layout engine, web technology support, and the removal of tab-switching behavior.

Even though Firefox 3.1 Beta 2 is relatively stable, do not download it and expect everything to go smoothly. Your add-ons may not work properly, you may encounter bugs and crashes – that is why this Firefox release is principally meant for developers and people who want to test the software.

According to TrendLabs, company that specializes in threat surveillance and attack prevention, there is a new threat in the wild which specifically targets Firefox users. TrendLabs identified this threat as “TROJ_DROP.BP.” – a Trojan malware that poses as a Firefox add-on, and not even like a cool one, such as the random site discovery . The whole purpose of the malware is to monitor your online surfing habits and attempt to steal your confidential data (for example when you login to your online banking account).

If you would like to get Mozilla Firefox 3.1 Beta 2, a download location is available here .

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