It's 'Clean Out Your Computer Day' so Here's How Often You Should Clean Everything Else In Your Home (Infographic)

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 13 Feb 2017

Today is Clean Out Your Computer Day, the day when you’re reminded that removing all the useless digital junk isn’t enough, you also have to physically clean your PC. You know, open the case and get rid of all the dust that’s accumulated over time. Shouldn’t take you more than half an hour, if you want to get everything spick and span.

But if you’re like me, your computer is the cleanest thing in your home. You don’t need someone to remind you to clean your PC, you need someone to remind you to clean everything else. That’s where the infographic below comes in. It explains how often you should clean the other things in and around your home.

Via Moshells.

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