Bethesda Unveiled the Achievements You'll Earn by Playing Prey

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 28 Apr 2017

Alongside the system requirements and opening hour console demo, Bethesda has one more treat for everyone who is excited about playing Prey: a comprehensive achievements list for the upcoming first-person action-adventure video game.

Before you go any further, I have to tell you something very important. The achievements are split into two lists, because the second one may include spoilers. So if you don’t want any spoilers, check the general achievements presented by the first list and stay away from the second one. When you see an ice-cream riding a skateboard, it’s time to look away.

Prey – General Achievements

That's the end of the first list, the one that contains no spoilers. Keep on reading at your own risk.

You have been warned.

Prey – Other Achievements (SPOILERS)

Via Bethesda.

Prey is scheduled to be released on May 5 for PC, Xbox one and PlayStation 4.

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