AppLock Is a Must-Have Android App, Especially If You Care about Privacy

Article by George Norman (Cybersecurity Editor)

on 12 Feb 2014

The functionality AppLock has to offer makes it a must-have app for any Android user, especially if you are the kind of person who cares about privacy. You see, this is an app that will help you protect your privacy by letting you block access to system functions, applications, photos, and videos.

So if you let your little brother play with your Android, you can block access to the messaging function and thus make sure he won’t send any messages. Or if you let your girlfriend use your Android, you can block access to the Facebook app and thus make sure she won’t post any updates in your name.

Here’s the predicament that used to stress me out, the predicament that AppLock beautifully addressed. The missus doesn’t want a smartphone, but she does want to play games on one – on my smartphone! I’m glad to let her play. But every time I give her the phone, I start to worry. What is she reads my texts. What is she accesses my Dropbox. What if she uninstalls an app. What if she…

I want her to enjoy her game, but I do not want her going through my stuff. And thanks to AppLock, I don’t have to worry that she will mess with anything. The stress related to letting the missus play on my phone, it’s all gone. AppLock makes sure she can’t access photos, videos, apps, or system functions. AppLock makes sure that she won’t be able to access anything she shouldn't.

AppLock – Main Features
  • Block access to any app you want. Any app on your device can be locked.
  • Block access to system functions, like taking incoming calls or installing/uninstalling apps.
  • Put photos and videos in a vault, thus hiding them out of sight. These files will no longer be displayed in your device’s gallery.
  • Time lock and location lock enable the lock function at certain times and certain locations.
  • The app provides support for themes, covers, and profiles.

Get the AppLock app for free from Google’s Play Store.

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